About Me

My name is Elliott Teters. I am a 61 year-old child and perpetual student of Love. I am a husband, a father, a son, a brother, an uncle, a nephew, a cousin, a friend, a spiritual counselor, an energy healer and a hypnotist. I enjoy writing, woodworking, and DIY home repairs. I have an amazing collection of spiritual books, and while I have slowed down, I am still collecting and reading interesting spiritual classics. I enjoy teaching what I have learned and continue to discover through my writings and through workshops.

I believe that everyone has a story and I hope to share some of those stories by interviewing friends and posting these interviews on www.frommytimeline.com  . I have just over 31k friends on Twitter and I am hoping I can convince more of these beautiful, interesting folks to share their stories with me.  I also have two other sites, in the works, which will be places for individuals from other venues to share their stories. I am very excited about these projects and have just begun interviewing Twitter followers for the first one.

I am very interested in learning how to make money online. My dream is to create an income which I can maintain regardless of where we are travelling on the planet. My wife has just over three years to continue working and I want to have her income replaced by my entrepreneurial endeavors. I am working on some books and some video courses which will be entertaining and educational so that I will have items to market to my many friends. I spend most of my days working on one of my many projects, whenever I am not working on the house that is.

My wife and I are empty-nesters as our children are still in school. My oldest, Christopher, is just finishing up his third year of Law School and will graduate in May. He is looking for work in the public sector and would love to be in a position to litigate, research, or write policy. He is currently learning as an intern in the Kansas Legislature, an experience which he thoroughly enjoys. This last summer he did an internship at the Assistant U.S. Attorney’s office, another valuable learning experience for him. My daughter, Caitlin, is working on a Masters in Vocal Pedagogy. She is a Teaching Assistant at Kansas University where she instructs in two classes and is very busy doing research and assisting her supervising Professor. She spends the remainder of her time singing in a women’s choral group, performing in musical theater, taking voice lessons, and directing a church choir. Thank goodness she is young and fit because she carries a fairly overwhelming workload. Her dream is to get a PhD in Vocal Pedagogy and teach at the University level. She finds she really loves helping others learn rather it is in the classroom or in her voice studio.

Being empty-nesters gives me time to work on the house, so many of the projects which have been waiting for years are finally getting much needed attention. With my home being built in 1974 there are always plenty of projects. It seems I no sooner get one room remodeled than another is in need of attention. Example: I put a shower in my master bath but I was going to wait for the vanity. But that was not to be. I no sooner completed the shower than the faucet on the vanity developed a leak and I could not determine where it came from. Since I eventually wanted to also replace the old, ugly vanity, I went ahead and did it now. Unfortunately, I sometimes do not get to choose the timeline. Sometimes the house decides where my attention best be directed.

This About Me page will be a work in progress. I intend eventually to have separate blogs, within this one domain, for each of the interests I have written about so far. This was my original intention for establishing elliott-teters.com so that I would have one go-to place to be a hub for all of my varied interests. So, for now here is a list of things, in no particular order, just as they pop into my head, I am interested in:
Energy Healing
Spiritual Counseling
Everyone Has A Story
Vegetarian/Vegan Lifestyle
Positive News
Creative ways to make money online doing ethical exchanges which benefit all involved and benefit the planet.
College Basketball and Football
Composting with Worms
Political Opinion
Professional Football and Baseball